Ryan Lochte Swim Clinic
Hosted by TNT Swimming
We were fortunate to have Ryan Lochte take time from his busy schedule to give a clinic for our swimmers and to other area swimmers. It seemed throughout the clinic that Ryan really enjoyed interacting with the kids and took the time to make every swimmer feel special. Thank you to Ryan and especially to TNT parents, whose volunteer efforts made the event special for so many swimmers and their families.
Ryan Lochte Swim Clinic
Hosted by TNT Swimming

The Ryan Lochte Swim Clinic was really special for our swimmers, mainly because Ryan turned out to be very nice, at ease and seemed genuinely happy to be there.
There are so many people to thank for making the 2010 Southeastern Swimming Fall Meeting and Swimposium a success. The generosity of our sponsors and contributors, including United States Swimming, Southeastern Swimming, as well as many area business owners made hosting the event possible.
Special thanks to my wife Mary Beth, for her love and support throughout the many hours of planning this project. Mary Beth also was a major source of funding the clinic, by soliciting most of our sponsorships.
TNT's organizational committe made hosting the event seem effortless, although it was a big job. Members included, Debbie Anderson, Tara Eastep, Anne Reier, Karen Sledge, Molli Smith, LaDonna Stough and Sue Ann Turnipseed.
Special thanks also to Mr. Hussem El - Hamaki, who provided limosine service at no charge for Ryan's pick up at the airport and to all TNT families for donations of food for both the Fall Meeting and Swimposium participants.
Following the clinic, I received the following email from Ryan Lochte's agent, Shawn Zenga:
Dear Jan and Marybeth,
Ryan and I would like to thank both of you for the great time in Gulf Shores! Ryan thoroughly enjoyed himself at the signing and clinic. In fact, we spent a lot of time talking about it at the airport. I posted pictures on his Facebook Fan page, so hopefully, you will get a chance to check them out.
We really enjoyed meeting you, your family and your friends. Everyone was so wonderful! Thank you!