TNT Swimming holds 2nd Annual Christmas Charity Fund Raiser
On Saturday, December 17, 2005, members of TNT Swimming helped make Christmas brighter for ten Mississippi children who were rendered homeless by Hurricane Katrina. On December 1, TNT Swimming began an appeal for donations for the 2nd annual charitable event and raised over $750.00 in the 2 ½ week period. In addition to the money raised, the Mobile Infirmary donated several Butterball turkeys. TNT swim team parents asked Sister Maureen Nolan, principal of Christ the King Catholic School, to locate children in need of Christmas assistance due to the hurricane. Sister Maureen contacted her Mississippi counterparts, Sister Bernadette and Sister Sheila of St. Peter the Apostle School in Pascagoula, and obtained the ages and clothing sizes of ten homeless children in their school.
The raised funds were given to swim team Moms Marcie Kinsey and Terry Kinsey to shop for a Christmas outfit and six toys for each child. After all of the purchases were complete, the Bounds Family YMCA dedicated a racket ball court for the gift wrapping process to take place on Saturday after swim practice. Andrea Doucet, mother of TNT swimmers Jordan and Daniel Doucet, took part in the fund raiser. “It was great fun and also a special part of our Christmas, to be able to share with others. Watching all of the team kids, wrapping presents for others less fortunate really reminds you of the true meaning of Christmas.” The team members then delivered the presents, turkeys and clothes to Sister Bernadette and Sister Sheila.
After buying all of the presents and clothes, the team had money left over. These funds were given to St. Rose of Lima Church for replacement of carpet ruined in the hurricane. “This is the second year these lovely children of TNT have helped needy families at Christmastime and we appreciate them so much,” said Sister Maureen. “If anyone else wishes to help our poor brothers and sisters in Mississippi, please call me and I will arrange to get your gifts to Sister Bernadette at once.” Sister Maureen can be reached at 251 626-1692 or 626-2431.
TNT provides year round, USA Swimming - certified instruction, coaching, and competitive opportunities to children and youth of all ability levels at the Bounds Family YMCA. For information call 251- 599- 1019 or visit online at
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