2013 South District Championship Meet
February 17 - 18
Pensacola, FL

Complete Meet Results    TNT Meet Results

51 TNT swimmers competed at the 2013 South District Championship meet, held February 17 - 18 in Pensacola, FL.  TNT had a great meet, accounting for 1 New Team Record, 18 New Southeastern SC Championship Qualifying Times, 61 Improved Time Standards, and 211 Improved Times.  TNT 8 & under swimmers earned 25 medals and finished 3rd place in the 8 & under championship team scoring.

New Team Record:  Simon Boles, 17 - 18 200 breast, 2:23.42.

New Southeastern SC Championship Qualifying Times:  Ian Ballenger, 50 back, 200 free, 200 IM, 100 back; Andrew Fouty, 50 back, 200 free, 100 IM, 200 IM 100 free; Trey Sheils, 50 fly, 50 back; Kevin Simpson, 50 fly; Charlie Sledge, 50 back, 100 breast, 100 IM, 50 breast, 50 fly, 100 back; Emma Laura Stough, 100 back 100 fly.

Improved Time Standards:  Ian Ballenger, 100 IM BB; Claire Blythe, 200 IM BB; Simon Boles, 400 IM AA, 200 back AA; Daniel Bourassa, 100 back B; Sam Cockrell, 50 free BB, 200 free B, 100 fly B, 200 IM B, 100 free B; Laura Feldvoss, 50 breast BB, 100 IM BB, 50 free B, 50 back B; Andrew Fouty, 50 back A, 100 free BB, 50 free BB, 200 free BB; Makenzy Fulay, 100 back BB, 200 IM BB, 200 free B; Ali Helms, 50 fly BB, 100 IM BB, 50 free BB; Christopher Houston, 100 breast B; Lillie Howell, 50 back BB, 100 IM B, 200 IM B, 50 breast B; Sadie Hunter, 50 free B, Annabelle Kahalley, 50 free A; Maxwell Martin, 100 back BB, 200 breast BB, 100 fly BB; Libby McCracken, 50 back BB, 100 back BB; Sam Scott, 50 back BB, 100 breast B; Trey Sheils, 50 back A, 50 fly A, 200 IM A, 100 fly BB; Levenia Sim, 50 fly B, 50 back B; Kevin Simpson, 50 fly BB, 100 IM B; Charlie Sledge, 50 free BB, 50 breast BB, 50 fly BB; Emma Laura Stough, 100 back AA, 200 back A; Kate Strickland 50 free BB; Thomas Sylvester, 50 back BB, 100 back BB, 100 IM B, 100 breast B, 200 free B; Makenzie Toxey, 50 free B; Nathan Vincent, 50 fly BB, Hannah Werling, 100 free BB.   

Improved Times:  Ian Ballenger, 50 back, 100 IM, 100 free; Claire Blythe, 50 back, 100 fly, 50 free, 200 IM, 50 breast; Sophie Blythe, 100 IM, 25 back, 25 free, 100 IM, 25 breast, 25 fly, 50 free; Simon Boles, 200 breast, 400 IM, 100 breast, 200 back; Daniel Bourassa, 200 free, 100 back, 200 breast, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 breast, 200 back; Reagan Brey, 200 free, 100 back, 100 fly; Sammy Cigrang, 200 free; Sam Cockrell, 200 free, 100 fly, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 free; Tristen Daniel, 200 free, 100 back, 200 breast, 100 fly, 50 free, 100 breast, 100 free; Alyssa Dennis, 50 back, 100 fly, 100 IM, 200 IM, 50 breast, 100 back; Laura Feldvoss, 100 free, 25 back, 50 breast, 25 free, 100 IM, 25 breast, 50 free, 50 back; Andrew Fouty, 200 free, 50 back, 50 free, 100 IM, 100 free; Anna Fouty, 200 breast, 100 fly; Makenzy Fulay, 200 free, 100 back, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 free; Ali Helms, 200 free, 50 back, 50 fly, 100 IM, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 fly; Chris Houston, 100 back, 50 free, 100 breast, 100 free; Lillie Howell, 50 back, 100 breast, 100 IM, 200 IM, 50 breast, 50 fly, 100 free; Sadie Hunter, 100 fly, 50 free, 200 AIM, 50 free, 50 fly; Graham Jenkins, 50 back, 50 fly, 100 IM, 200 IM, 100 fly, 100 back; Annabelle Kahalley, 100 back, 200 breast, 100 fly, 50 free, 100 breast, 200 back, 100 free; Maxwell Martin, 100 back, 200 breast, 100 fly, 200 IM, 200 fly; Caroline McCracken, 25 back, 50 breast, 25 free, 50 free, 50 back; Libby McCracken, 50 back, 50 free, 100 IM, 50 breast, 100 back; Ella McDowell, 100 free, 25 free, 50 free, 50 back; Kate Miller, 100 free, 25 back, 25 free, 25 breast, 25 fly, 50 free; Luke Miller, 100 breast, 50 breast, 100 free, Madison Rife, 50 back, 200 IM, 50 free; Sam Scott, 50 back, 100 breast, 50 free, 100 IM, 50 breast, 100 back; Elizabeth Sebastian, 100 back, 100 fly, 200 IM, 50 free; Trey Sheils, 50 back, 50 fly, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 fly, 100 back, 100 IM; Levenia Sim, 100 free, 50 fly, 50 free, 50 back; Kevin Simpson, 50 free, 100 IM, 50 breast, 100 free, 50 fly; Ryan Simpson, 400 IM, 200 fly; Charlie Sledge, 50 back, 50 free, 100 IM, 50 breast, 50 fly, 100 free; Emma Laura Stough, 100 back, 100 fly, 50 free, 200 back; Kate Strickland, 50 back, 50 free, 100 IM, 200 IM, 100 back; Thomas Sylvester, 200 free, 50 back, 100 breast, 100 IM, 50 free, 50 breast, 100 back; Kierstyn Toxey, 100 free, 25 back, 25 free, 25 breast, 25 fly, 50 free, 50 back; Makenzie Toxey, 200 free, 100 breast, 100 IM, 200 IM, 50 free, 50 breast, 100 back; Nathan Vincent, 50 free, 100 IM; Patrick Ward, 200 free, 100 back, 100 fly, 200 IM, 50 free, 100 breast, 100 free; Hannah Werling, 200 free, 200 breast, 400 IM, 100 breast, 100 free;

Medal Winners:  8 & under girls 100 medley relay 1st (Ella McDowell, Laura Feldvoss, Levenia Sim, Sophie Blythe); 8 & under girls 100 free relay 3rd (Ella McDowell, Laura Feldvoss, Levenia Sim, Sophie Blythe).  Laura Feldvoss, 100 free 1st, 25 breast 1st, 50 breast 2nd, 100 IM 2nd, 50 free 3rd, 50 back 3rd, 25 free 4th; Ella McDowell, 50 back 2nd, 100 IM 6th, 25 free 6th, 50 free 7th, 100 free 7th; Levenia Sim, 25 fly 3rd, 50 fly 5th, 50 back 5th, 25 breast 6th, 25 back 8th.

SES Standard Breaker Ribbons:  Ian Ballenger, 50 back, 200 free, 200 IM, 100 back; Andrew Fouty, 50 back, 200 free, 100 IM, 200 IM 100 free; Trey Sheils, 50 fly, 50 back; Charlie Sledge, 50 back, 100 breast, 100 IM, 50 breast, 50 fly, 100 back; Emma Laura Stough, 100 back.

Place Ribbons: Ian Ballenger, 100 IM 2nd, 100 free 4th, 50 free 8th; Claire Blythe, 50 back 1st, 50 free 4th, 200 IM 6th, 50 fly 6th, 50 breast 8th; Simon Boles, 200 breast 1st, 400 IM 1st, 100 breast 1st, 200 back 1st; Daniel Bourassa, 400 IM 5th, 100 back 6th, 200 breast 6th, 100 breast 6th, 200 back 7th, 200 free 8th; Sammy Cigrang, 200 breast 4th, 100 back 6th, 100 breast 6th, 100 free 7th, 200 free 7th, 50 free 8th; Sam Cockrell, 400 IM 7th; Tristen Daniel, 200 breast 6th; Alyssa Dennis, 200 IM 1st, 100 back 2nd, 100 fly 3rd, 100 breast 3rd, 50 breast 4th, 100 IM 7th, 50 back 7th; Andrew Fouty, 50 free 5th; Anna Fouty, 200 fly 1st, 200 breast 3rd, 100 fly 8th;  Ali Helms, 100 fly 6th; Chris Houston, 200 fly 6th; Sadie Hunter, 100 fly 4th, 200 IM 8th; Graham Jenkins, 100 fly 3rd, 200 IM 8th; Annabelle Kahalley, 100 free 1st; Maxwell Martin, 200 fly 1st, 200 breast 3rd, 100 fly 3rd, 100 back 4th, 200 IM 5th; Libby McCracken, 100 fly 7th; Luke Miller, 100 breast 7th; Sam Scott, 100 breast 3rd, 50 back 4th, 100 back 4th, 50 breast 8th; Trey Sheils, 200 IM 1st, 100 back 1st, 100 fly 2nd, 100 IM 2nd, 50 free 6th; Kevin Simpson, 50 fly 1st, 50 free 6th, 100 IM 8th; Ryan Simpson, 200 fly 3rd, 400 IM 4th, 100 fly 8th, 100 free 8th; Charlie Sledge, 100 free 6th, 50 free 7th; Kaleigh Spears, 200 IM 5th, 50 fly 8th; Emma Laura Stough, 100 fly 1st, 200 back 5th, 50 free 6th; Thomas Sylvester, 100 IM 4th, 50 breast 4th, 200 free 5th, 100 IM 5th, 100 back 6th; Nathan Vincent, 100 breast 6th, 100 IM 6th, 200 free 7th, 50 fly 8th; Hannah Werling, 100 fly 3rd, 400 IM 3rd, 100 breast 4th, 200 breast 5th, 100 free 7th, 200 IM 7th, 200 free 8th.