TNT Newsletter
The New Team on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay
November 2005
Congratulations and welcome to our new level 2 teammates! Preston Howard, age 6; Annabelle Kahalley, age 6; Killian Kahalley, age 5; Zachary Miller, age 7; Cameron Milroy, age 8; and Patrick Parish, age 6. You are going to have a lot of fun and swim really, really fast!
From our team of more than 50 swimmers, there is only one who celebrates a birthday during the month of November. That swimmer is Emily Grant, who turns 13 this month. Happy birthday Emo!
Congratulations to TNT swimmers who participated in the contest to design the USA Swimming team’s cap for the 2006 World Cup. Brodie Foster, Connor Funke, Adele Mantiply, JD Powell, Tyler Powell, Frances Sledge, Jack Sledge, Ashley Szydel, Forrest White. Participating swimmers have had their artwork posted on the TNT web site, and will receive a prize for their efforts.
Thursday, November 24:
Level 4 & 5 from 8:00 – 10:00 AM.

Level 1 & 2 from 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Friday, November 25:
Level 4 & 5 from 8:00 – 10:00 AM

Level 3 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Saturday, November 26:
Normal Saturday Schedule All Groups
Mark your calendars. A pool party will be held at the Bounds Family YMCA for TNT swimmers on Thanksgiving weekend, Saturday, November 26, from 5:30 – 8:00 PM. Swimmers may bring a friend and family members are also welcome. The party will include games, contests, and alternative races. TNT will provide pizza, snacks, and drinks. Parents planning to attend should probably bring their own chairs if they are planning to have a place to sit. Swimmers need to bring their own towels.
The influenza season is upon us and in order to prevent the spread of the germy little critters, swimmers are asked to please not share water or sports drinks during practice. Sharing water and sports drink bottles, especially at this time of year, easily spreads germs that lead to illness, coughing, hacking, and feeling really lousy. Parents are responsible for providing their children with their own hydrating fluids. And, while we all promote sharing with friends, parents are asked to please instruct their swimmers not to share drinks with others while at TNT swimming practice.
In order to make the program more accessible to multi-swimmer families, TNT has re-structured fundraising policy for families with more than two swimmers. The fundraising requirement for the third swimmer, and beyond, is now half the required amount of the first two. This information was recently emailed to TNT’s membership and is also attached to this newsletter. Fundraising allows TNT to meet operational expenses that our training fees cannot fully cover, including pool rental, coach’s salaries, equipment purchases, awards, office supplies, etc. Your support in this effort is essential and appreciated.
The TNT Holiday Wreath Fundraiser, headed up by Debbie Anderson, was very successful. By best estimate, the team stands to realize an almost $4,000.00 profit. This represents 10% of our budgeted annual income, which is the kind of fundraiser that is worth the time and effort spent doing it. Most importantly, it provides a vehicle for families of TNT to meet their fundraising commitment, in what turned out to be a short period of time.
Of the 23 families who participated, the top three selling families and their prizes are: First Place; the Powell family, $50.00 and a gold medal. Second Place; the Szydel family, $25.00 and a silver medal. Third Place; the Funke family, $10.00 and a bronze medal.
Special thanks to team parents who were on hand to help supervise the pandemonium surrounding the first ever, group photo of TNT. Besides herding cats, few organizational tasks were ever more challenging than coordinating this effort. Seriously though, the kids had a great time and did a super job holding still for a couple minutes for what turned out to be a really nice team picture. Thank you to Debbie Anderson for arranging the photograph and to those parents who helped to organize and arrange the kids for the shot. Also, a special thank you to Jennifer Grant, who provided bottles of Mineola Water for a quick photo op, which will be presented to Mineola in an effort to solicit their corporate sponsorship
Our delivery of team shirts has been put on hold until we receive more orders. This includes the white tee shirt with the logo across the chest, and the black polo shirts with the pocket logo. Wearing team items at meets promotes team unity and pride. Swimmers of TNT are required to wear some kind of team shirt at meets while team parents are invited and encouraged to support their swimmers by wearing a team shirt too. Besides, you’ll look darn good in one!
TNT is moving forward as a contributing member of Southeastern Swimming in several ways. The most significant and tangible example to date is that of our team parents’ volunteer efforts as meet officials. At the last meet, the GPAC Fall Invitational, TNT by far exceeded the number of “apprentice” officials of any team at the meet. Thus far, 6 team parents have accumulated apprentice meet sessions including: Dana Horst 4, Mary Beth Mantiply 4, Jan Finney 3, Mike Turnipseed 2, Mark Miller 2, and Elena Szydel 1. Apprentice officials need to accumulate 6 meet sessions, take an online test, and attend an official’s clinic provided by Southeastern Swimming.
Congratulations to Mary Beth Mantiply who recently passed the online stroke and turn judge’s test, and is now only 2 meet sessions from becoming TNT’s first certified stroke and turn judge. In order to take the online test, parents need to first become a member of United States Swimming, Inc. Please see Andrea Doucet if you need a membership application. Once your membership has been received, log onto and create a personal account. From there it’s only couple of clicks of the mouse to find a complete section on the rules that you will need in order to easily complete the test.
We are planning to have this year’s Christmas party at Hot Wheels Skating Rink on Sunday, December 11. We have reserved the rink from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Cost will be $5.00 per swimmer. Party plans are still in the making so stay tuned for details.
While swimming is an important part of all our lives, thank you to those parents of TNT who submitted their swimmers for recognition outside of swimming.
Ryan Walker made A Honor Roll this quarter at Daphne High School for the first time in her academic life.
Emily Grant was selected as captain of the 7th grade Scholars Bowl team at Bayside Academy
Thomas Kinsey finished 1st in 400 Free Relay, 3rd in the 500 Free, and 5th in the 200 IM at the Mobile Area High School Championship Meet.
Adele Mantiply received a certificate of achievement for an outstanding display of the DWP skill (discipline with purpose) of Reasons for Rules.
Cameron Grant 11, and Jordan Doucet, 10 were chosen to perform at the Baldwin County Music Teachers Fall Recital. Cameron played "Carnival of Venice" on the trumpet and Jordan played "Hurry Scurry" on the piano.
Brennon Garcia is a drummer in the J. Larry Newton School Advanced Band and his sister Lauren plays guitar.
Gabrielle Horst’s soccer team, The Force, went undefeated this season.
Joe Lieb's U12 boys soccer team, the Daphne Comets, went undefeated (9-0-1) during the regular season and finished second in the post-season City of Daphne tournament.
· Will Anderson's U12 boys soccer team, the Fairhope Galaxy, won the City of Fairhope championship tournament and went on to play the City of Daphne Champion, the Daphne Fury.
· J.D. Powell’s U12 boys’ soccer team, the Daphne Fury defeated the Daphne Comets 8 to 1 to win the City of Daphne post- season tournament and went on to defeat the Fairhope Galaxy 8 to 0 in the Battle of the Eastern Shore Champions soccer tournament.
· Anna Ramsey was selected “Student of the Month” and was also selected to the “Southside Singers” at Daphne South Elementary School.
Tyler Powell was a member of the U12 boys’ soccer team, the Daphne Fury, which won the Battle of the Eastern Shore Champions soccer tournament.
Morgan Foster recently earned a role in the Nutcracker Ballet production with the Eastern Shore Ballet Academy, to be held in Fairhope on Dec 16th.
Congratulations to TNT swimmers who excelled academically during the first scholastic marking period of the new school year. While CKCS recognizes only those students grade 6 and above, parents of those students who are in grade 5 and below should still submit their names for publication if they meet the standard criteria.
A Honor Roll: Mia El-Hamaki, Sahra El-Hamaki, Brodie Foster, Emily Grant, Raegan Grant, Dana Horst, Ashley Kinsey, Adele Mantiply, Morgan Foster, Tyler Powell, Jordan Simison, Ashley Szydel, and Ryan Walker,
A/B Honor Roll: Carly Davis, Jordan Doucet, Daniel Doucet, Meghan Finney, Brennon Garcia, Lauren Garcia,
Gracey Kahn, Lauren Kinsey, Thomas Kinsey, Megan Midkiff, Mitchell Meador, Anna Ramsey, Frances Sledge,
Andrew Szydel, and Boyd Turnipseed, and Forrest White.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to submit highlights to Coach Jan for inclusion in next month’s newsletter. Please feel free to email him at with, or about any information contained in the newsletter.